There Was No Quick Answer to Mass Violence. Until Now.

Alex Koyfman

Posted March 1, 2018

Dear Reader,

The problem with civil dialogue is that more and more, there’s just no civility. 

Everyone in the world, minus the few psychotic outliers, can agree we need less violence. 

Past that, the agreements start fading into an ever-thickening quagmire of vitriolic goo, as it’s flung back and forth between the factions and, oftentimes, within the factions themselves. 

A recent tweet by Marco Rubio summed it up pretty well:

I have to admit, I sometimes succumb to weakness and allow myself to get pulled into this flinging contest, too — with expected results. 

I get people to nod and agree with me, but only if they were already in agreement, while others either quietly or not so quietly judge me for being a this, a that, and everything in between. 

So rather than even touch on the gun debate, make any further proposals, or garner any more cyber hatred, I’m here to ask a question that seems to have been drowned out by the noise of politics: how are we going to stop these shootings?

Enough Theory. Let’s Talk Reality.

Short of making all guns vanish off the face of the planet, I don’t want to hear about bans or confiscations. 

More guns have been proposed as a solution, and in fact, that does work in some places — mostly small country towns where open carry is part of the culture and the adage “an armed society is a polite society” holds up. 

Apply that solution to a place like Baltimore, for example, where people are so bad at keeping their hands to themselves that they sometimes just punch random strangers on the street, and the concept of everyone packing becomes a little bit ominous. 

So never mind all that. Both solutions, applied on any level that might make a big difference, would likely only change things for the worse. 

The solution needs to be proactive, not reactive. It needs to be physical. It needs to be cold, calculating, efficient, and it needs to not be dependent on the human factor. 

The solution needs to be technological. 

But how can a technology weed out dangerous individuals before they can do something that winds up on the news?

Well, one company based in Canada has the answer. 

Using something called Cognitive Microwave Radar, this company has invented a device that can scan an area up to 12 feet wide and actually pick out harmful objects. 

Through years of honing and training their algorithms, the software engineers behind this cutting-edge artificial intelligence have achieved near-zero error margins for discerning items like guns, bombs, and knives amidst a background of other casual, harmless objects. 

It’s quick, nearly infallible, and doesn’t just detect the presence of a threat, but can actually identify that threat specifically — thus giving crucial information to would-be responders.

A Transformative Technology That Goes Beyond its Primary Function to Improve the World

Wand scans and manual frisking will become a thing of the past, as will the very security gates that have become synonymous with the security checkpoint. 

Thanks to its scanning radius, these devices will be able to cover large areas all at once, without impeding or affecting foot traffic in any way. 

In the end, the result is a much higher level of security and a decrease in the associated frustration and inconvenience. 

This is a system that, just a few years ago, would have qualified as a prop in a science fiction movie, but today, it’s a reality that’s approved for sale across North America. 

In Las Vegas, the sight of the worst mass shooting in American history, it’s already being installed by private companies to protect real estate and clientele. 

Which means soon, hopefully very soon, it will become the standard in government buildings as well — school buildings being one of the top priorities. 

I can’t get into the specifics now, but I can point you to where you can get the full story. 

This company makes only this product, so while it may be unknown, it hopefully won’t stay that way much longer. 

Click here for the video that will explain.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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